Wednesday, September 21, 2016

In ths lincoln car commercial, the purpose is to use Matthew McConaughey to relate to the audience in order to get them to buy their car. The writers use matthew McConaughey’s ethos in order to appeal to a specific audience. Lincoln cars are expensive, so the dealers have a fairly targeted audience, being mainly the middle to upper class. McConaughey’s character plays well for this audience because they could identify better with his persona, or is likely idolized more by this specific audience. They also appeal to the audience’s pathos. The outfit he is wearing is very specific, dressing him in a business casual attire, that also looks slightly worn, is giving the audience the impression that this car is driven by successful people. Like he is getting off of a long day of work, making a lot of money. This may not help the audience relate to McConaughey, but it does make the audience want to relate to him. They want to picture themselves driving that car after a long day of work. McConaughey’s mannerisms and tone also play into appealing to the audiences ethos for the same reason as his outfit does. He has a very calm, cool look to him when he speaks. Doing things such as looking away from the camera while speaking and driving with one arm make it seem like this guy has it going on. Every little aspect of the commercial is well thought out, and the main purpose is to make the audience want to be matthew McConaughey, and one way they can do that is by buying their car.

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