Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Speech 1 outline

  • Part one: Deconstructing the commercial
    • Purpose- audience is meant to identify with McConaughey
      • Audience is more wealthy side of poverty line
      • McConaughey usually plays that character(ethos)
    • Everything matters
      • Outfit
        • Business casual, slightly worn
        • Gives feeling of success
        • Audience pictures themselves in the car driving home from work
        • Makes them want to relate, by driving the car
      • Tone
        • Deep, calm tone
        • Gives a cool look to him
        • Driving the car makes it look like he’s got it going on
      • Gestures
        • Arm on the wheel, talking away from the camera
        • Same effect as his tone
  • Part two: effectiveness
    • Personally i do not think this was effective, but i am not part of the targeted audience
    • The target audience is meant to be wealthy, image oriented people
    • The writers do a good job exemplifying what that audience would strive to be like
    • You must  have seen some of McConaughey’s movies in order to understand that his character in this commercial resembles many of his characters in the movies

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